Choreographing the art of cyber security

Mitigating cyber risk
in a disruptive way.

Launching in
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take full advantage

We believe that an IT ecosystem, from the cloud to every user endpoint, forms the backbone vital for the operational health of all modern, productive agile organisations.

Advantage understand your organisational and commercial needs, and help tailor best of breed consulting and support solutions.

the 360° solution

Are you certain you have full awareness of your current ICT estate?
Do you aspire to optimise, integrate systems & processes all utilising best-of-breed technology and technology partners to evolve and maximise your organisation's IT potential?
We will help you discover, assess, and define your future-ready ICT strategy aligned to business strategy.

Are you equipped to fully manage Cyber risk?
We will equip your organisation to be storm-ready with a responsive 24/7 'full' IT security solution that will close the risk loop; to prevent, resolve, and insure.

Is your ICT support provision flexibly aligned to your organisation's functional needs today, and the future?
Advantage Cloud's co-managed IT Support will ensure your organisation is battle and rescue-ready, minimising disruption to business operations.

start your advantage now

We will get straight back to you.

advantage london

84 Eccleston Square

+44 (0)20 4518 6060

Advantage London Office
advantage sussex

West Lodge
Hammingden Lane
Highbrook, Ardingly
West Sussex RH17 6SR

+44 (0)1444 716 979

Advantage Sussex
advantage australia

111 Flinders Street
NSW 2010

+61 (0)2 7227 9880

Advantage Australia

[email protected] +44 (0)20 4518 6060

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