

Copilot Readiness Discovery Workshop

Welcome to base camp. You are here because like all pioneering and dynamic organisations you are looking to define and successfully deploy your Copilot expedition plan, safely delivered to fully realise the advantage of AI.

  • Establish your art of the possible
  • Ensure data structure and access control readiness
  • Comply with Copilot prerequisites and requirements
  • Roadmap your implementation plan
  • Accelerate Copilot time-to-value

Copilot Your Data

Engaging Copilot

Microsoft 365 Copilot is experienced in two predominant ways. Firstly, embedded within Microsoft 365 apps such as Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Teams and more.

Secondly, for pioneering organisations it is presented through ‘Business Chat’ to provide responses enriched with business data collated using Microsoft Graph that are shaped to suit application.

It is the leveraging of business data that will deliver the most compelling organisational benefits for strategic growth and competitive edge. However, discerning businesses also see that this data needs protecting to minimise risk.

Copilot deployment

You want to achieve mission poise.

Efficiently supercharged performance, creativity, and productivity are the desired commercially beneficial outcomes from every Copilot deployment. As with every successful journey, the benefits must be balanced by mitigating risk. We call this mission poise.

To achieve this, we help strategise both organisational and role-specific benefits, with an actional plan to structure data, define access policies, and mitigate the risks. Perfect mission poise.

Mission Poise

Workshop Deliverables

You need to define and understand your successful Copilot plan

The Advantage Copilot Readiness Workshop follows our proven Discovery methodology to deliver a full understanding of where you are today, with RAG (red/amber/green) rated output forming the basis for developing a roadmapped route ahead that is aligned to strategic requirements.

Copilot - Art of the Possible

Understanding the strategic advantages that Copilot will deliver, forming the vision for your AI-driven organisation.

  • Ai-powered organisational vision
  • Use case drivers
  • ROI strategy

Copilot - Prerequisites

Determine organisation and user specific Copilot-readiness by evaluating infrastructure, data, policies, and security.

  • Technical readiness
  • Security posture
  • Data structure & access

Copilot - Copilot Implementation

Roadmap the planning, development, and deployment of Copilot safely and securely with an actionable risk mitigation plan.

  • Licencing optimisation
  • Risk mitigation
  • Deployment Roadmap

Copilot - Deployment

Implementation aligned to the risk mitigation plan, with training and policies driving adoption for optimal time-to-value.

  • Workflows
  • Training
  • Copilot champions

Start Discovery

Initiate your Copilot plan with our Readiness Discovery Workshop that will provide the base camp from which to realise the advantage of AI.

Call 020 4518 6060 or:

Advantage Consult

" Once we knew everything, we could do anything "

" Discovery complete. Roadmap engaged. Mission intact. "

" Discovery was the Base Camp from where we explored further "

" Discovery has driven informed technology investment and ICT strategy "

" The art of Discovery illustrated our art of the possible "

" Knowing where we are today, formed our strategic roadmap ahead "

" Our ICT ecosystem and data, now fully understood and protected through Discovery "

" Access to talent that helped build out solutions that really work "


As trusted advisors, we understand that every organisation is different, and so our modular Discovery approach is tailored to strategic and commercial needs. Customers value our pioneering spirit which helps drive IT innovation and measurable project delivery.

The Art of Discovery Professional Services Consultancy

Marlborough Gallery London

Marlborough is an art gallery showcasing modern and contemporary artworks and exhibitions with locations in New York, London, Madrid and Barcelona.

Contact us to discuss how we help businesses like Marlborough Gallery London in the Art of Discovery:


Start your Copilot Readiness Discovery Workshop

We consult, secure and support your organisation's entire ICT ecosystem.

We are a Managed Services Provider (MSP) delivering expert Discovery consulting, agile IT support, IT security and cybersolutions.

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84 Eccleston Square

+44 (0)20 4518 6060

Advantage London Office
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West Lodge
Hammingden Lane
Highbrook, Ardingly
West Sussex RH17 6SR

+44 (0)1444 716 979

Advantage Sussex
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111 Flinders Street
NSW 2010

+61 (0)2 7227 9880

Advantage Australia